それは、素晴らしい仲間とともに働ける会社だからです。弊社は、フレンドリーでプロフェッショナル、かつ楽しく働ける環境の整備に日々努めています。弊社は、集団として成長を目指し、組織を率い、革新に取り組むことを基本としており、全社員が、可能な限りStibo Systemsにとって最善の結果を生み出すという共通の目標を掲げています。弊社は、正しい方向に向かって進んでいることを確かめるため、「働きがいのある会社」調査を年に一回の頻度で実施し、その取組みの是非を評価しています。
Stibo Systemsでは、あらゆる場面で多様性の尊重を推進することに情熱を注いでいます。雇用機会均等を原則とする雇用主として、弊社は、採用募集手続きから偏見を排除し、多様性を尊重する前向きで差別のない職場を作ることを目指しており、どのような経歴や信念を持つ人々にも敬意を持って接することを基本としています。
I think the company understands that each individual is unique and recognizes our individual differences. We are treated equally, and there are no special privileges given to anyone based on favoritism. The company just sees our potential and based on that we are provided responsibilities.”Gaurav Bhati Support Consultant
At Stibo Systems we have people around the globe, and the diversity is seen just by going on your daily calls. Most of my colleagues are located in Bangalore. I never think of my colleagues in India as any different from the ones located in an office next door. We are all one unit, no matter where you are located, how you look, or how old you are. All of that adds to a work culture that is nice to be in.”Camilla Graver Poulsen Project Manager
The treatment of leaders in relation to people is fair, no matter if you have a few days or several years of experience. The family spirit is really present, where people respect each other, appreciate each other, and motivate themselves to be better every day.”Daniela Costa Delivery Manager
I think the company understands that each individual is unique and recognizes our individual differences. We are treated equally, and there are no special privileges given to anyone based on favoritism. The company just sees our potential and based on that we are provided responsibilities.”Gaurav Bhati Support Consultant
At Stibo Systems we have people around the globe, and the diversity is seen just by going on your daily calls. Most of my colleagues are located in Bangalore. I never think of my colleagues in India as any different from the ones located in an office next door. We are all one unit, no matter where you are located, how you look, or how old you are. All of that adds to a work culture that is nice to be in.”Camilla Graver Poulsen Project Manager
The treatment of leaders in relation to people is fair, no matter if you have a few days or several years of experience. The family spirit is really present, where people respect each other, appreciate each other, and motivate themselves to be better every day.”Daniela Costa Delivery Manager
I think the company understands that each individual is unique and recognizes our individual differences. We are treated equally, and there are no special privileges given to anyone based on favoritism. The company just sees our potential and based on that we are provided responsibilities.”Gaurav Bhati Support Consultant