The partnership between Stibo Systems and Lutech Group is part of a process of growth of the Lutech Digital division offer concerning the customer experience solutions. As a system integrator, Lutech Group pursues the precise goal of selecting on the market the leading solutions for a given practice, allowing its customer companies to realize a digital transformation path that sees data as the main strategic inspiration.
This partnership allows Lutech to deliver the data driven paradigm to companies of every size and sector and not just in customer experience related areas . The different Master Data Management platforms allow to acquire and process any type of data.
With Technology and market driven End-to-End Services, we enable Clients to work easier, reaching their goals and evolving their business. We want to be one of the leading European players of the Digital Evolution. We believe in investing in our People, fostering their talents, leadership and passion. We integrate the most innovative technologies delivering the highest performance to our Clients.